Natural Stones

Granite is a natural stone and the most popular igneous rock. Many people recognize and successfully identify granite because it’s commonly used for building objects for everyday use. Granite countertops are easy to maintain and care for. This natural stone is exceptionally durable and strong.

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock made almost entirely of the mineral quartz. Quartzite begins its geologic life as sand grains, perhaps on a beach, desert dune, or riverbed. Over time, the sand grains become compressed and stuck together to form sandstone. If the sandstone gets buried ever more deeply underneath layers of rocks, it gets hotter and more compressed. With enough heat and pressure, the sand grains lose their original shape and fuse to their neighbors, forming a dense, durable rock that is non-reactive, minimally porous and naturally spectacular. Depending on the amount of metamorphosis, each quartzite can be more or less porous. Discuss particular care and maintenance of each material with your

Dolomite is a sedimentary rock that’s similar to marble in both color and composition. It’s created when limestone and lime mud come into contact with magnesium-rich groundwater. Dolomite is similar to calcite but it contains some magnesium in addition to calcium. Compared to calcite, dolomite is slightly harder and it etches more slowly. That makes a dolomitic marble somewhat more durable than “regular” marbles that are made entirely of calcite, but the difference is subtle.

Traditional Collection

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Quartzite Collection